+49 (0)731/39 81-0 info@glaeser-textil-ulm.de

Supplier Identification

Heinrich Glaeser Nachf. GmbH

Blaubeurer Str. 263
89081 Ulm

Phone: 0731 3981 0

Fax: 0731 3981 55

E-mail: info@glaeser-textil-ulm.de

Managing Director:
Eberhard Brack, Günther Reindl

Registered at: Handelsregister Ulm, HRB 31

VAT ID number: DE 147030697

Responsible according to § 55 RStV:
Eberhard Brack
Blaubeurer Str. 263
89081 Ulm

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolutions (ODR) which can be accessed at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.

In order to settle disputes arising from a contractual relationship with a consumer or from whether such a contractual relationship exists at all, we will participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer dispute resolution body. Consumers can contact their national European Consumer Centre in this regard. The respective contact details of the individual ECCs can be found at https://www.evz.de/en/alternative-dispute-resolution/adr-in-europe/.